Wednesday, October 7, 2009



that was the day i'll remember for a long
long long long long freaking long long time~
here it goes... i went to college as usual and after my class end,
i went to Sunway Pyramid to meet my buddiez..
hmm,i was hungry and decided to go KFC...
after ordering,getting my food and all,we'll skip that part..
mmmm.......yeah,as i was having my lunch there,
was enjoying too,cause i haven't had my breakfast so my tummy that time
was famished.. anyway,after moments eating,suddenly the KFC waitress
came and gave me and my friends some food
but we told her we didn't order,then the waitress say yeah,you all didn't order
is the auntie over there treat you all... me and my friends was like ah?
where? waitress say there that one.. we like o? we don't know her wor...
then the waitress say she don't know,just that the auntie ask her to give us...
we were like har.. want mer? the waitress continue serving..
and when she's done,me and my friends wanted to look for the auntie and thank her,
but then when we want to thank her,she's already gone,missing...
my friend say he dunno her,i dunno her...and another say dunnoleh,but quite familiar,
urghh.. scary wei.. then i ask my friend.. woi,the auntie is real one anot?
or are we seeing things? huhuhu....
my friend look at me,stun awhile and suddenly say "REAL ONE LA!!!
then i say wokie then... after that we look at the food and say "BERDOSA LEH"
but as we were saying,my two friends say also but their hands kept on
taking and eating and also keep saying "BERDOSA LEH"
but they are still eating.. hhaaa.. then they also say want thank the auntie
find her lehx.. and then continue eating again.. LOL!!!

anyway,who ever you are auntie..
thanks for the meal.. even though i didn't eat but my friends ate,
well,i'm here to represent my friends to thank you...
thanks.. ^>^

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